Friday, September 7, 2012

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 I bit the bullett, so to speak, and did the trip to Paphos.  As usual I'd stored up chores to do while I was there, the most enjoyable was stocking up with tiles from Turtle Moon Studio.  Alladins cave for me and I spent far more than I intended, as usual.  But I now have lots of lovely sparkley tiles to play with.
Here are Alan and Gary working hard at thier art and craft.  Always such a pleasure to see how much talent there is and for me to admire what they do.

 And these are some of the ladies doing very clever art work.  No prizes for guessing who the designer bag belongs to .....

This morning Carol and Donna came to pick up Carols Lazy Susan (the dolphin) and seemed very pleased with it.  So much so they are talking about an address plaque - jolly good.  I do like happy customers.  Although customers is not the right word, of course.  My work is much too personal for that.
The pool is still a little murky but our fingers are crossed 'cos Himself is not sure what else to do.  He's busy painting at the moment anyway,, and everything is put on hold while the muse is with him.  But luckily he's still ace in the kitchen..  OK weekend coming up, lets see if I can talk about anything except mosaics.  Till then ......

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