As I've been down at En Plo since my last post I don't have much to say so I've taken photos of our display outside the building. Because of various things we lost quite a bit of wall space, so Graham had the brilliant idea of using the old metal frames that were left over from the car rally. It looks good and attracts a lot of attention. the two weeks have been very varied, some very dead days and some with loads of people about. We've been happy, given that not much of our 'stuff' is aimed at tourists - too heavy and too expensive. But I did sell one Lazy Susan which was going to London and a
nother one which was going to Canada. So it's Tzianet-Mosaic International!
I've started working on antique tiles again, it's been a long time since I worked on one and it's good. A Hoopoo bird and a pair of fanciful dolphins. I'll post photos if I like them when I've finished them.
We've had a couple of really big storms, Doolley is terrified but they are rather exciting in their way. It's easy to see how the ancients would believe in the Gods being angry and throwing thunder and lightening around to show their displeasure.
I still have Wednesdays off, it really breaks the week up, gives us a chance to catch up on things and I have my Crafty Lunch ladies round. I really do enjoy my Wednesdays!
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